
Monday, 6 May 2013

Welcome to LanaTea's Beauty Blog ♥

Dear my beautiful readers,
 You are one of the few who are probably reading this and i would just like to say thank you for taking the time to look through my blog, (even though this is the first post) and giving it a go.

I'll tell you a little bit about myself. My names Lana, and i'm 19 years young from the South Coast of Australia! Yes, it is very sunny here, but no, we do not ride kangeroos around instead of cars. I am engaged to my amazing partner Bradley, who I love to death and also live with. I'm a fairly open and straight forward sought of girl, and I love having a chat to anyone who wants to listen. I am quite the joker and love a laugh with friends.
I have a passion for everything and anything beauty related, which means i'm slightly obsessed with cosmetics, and beauty products. I am not picky, so I do not have a limited collection of only high end, expensive products but a realistic amount of drug store, and chemist bought cosmetics. I'm not creating this blog to become "Internet famous", my only agenda is to provide you guys with some knowledge and insight into some amazing brands that you might normally not try or even think of trying. I am solely basing what ever I say in this blog on my true and honest opinion and am not being paid or gifted by these companies in anyway. Although, my alltime favourite brand would have to be Australis!! That brand can do no wrong!!
So, where does that leave us? Oh, thats right! I also have a youtube channel aswell, and it currently only has one video on it, basically saying the same things that i've written here, just explaining who I am, and what i'm into. There will, obviously be more, but i think the fact that my first video got a total of 7 views is a little bit of a deterant. Anyways, if you want to watch it, I think this is a link to my channel :) http://www.youtube.com/user/LanaTaylor94

Any who, thanks again for taking the time to view my blog, and I promise i'll pop another post up this afternoon of some products that I bought quite recently and you will not be dissapointed ;)

Love always,
Lana xx

P.S I've attached a picture of me, so you get a little bit of a feel as to what ugly head is sitting behind this computer, furiously typing away, when in fact I should be doing work. But Shhhh

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