Dear my beautiful readers,
So I was sitting around thinking about something I could tell you guys about me today, and then it hit me. I have it in common with 99% of the female population, it's a feeling that overwhelms most women, and I know it makes me super happy! It's a BARGAIN! I love bargains. A certain percentage off a particular product, a range, or even a brand. It somehow makes me so ridiculously happy, I get such a warm and fuzzy feeling and I swear the product is just screaming "BUY ME!"
Usually when this happens, I come home feeling a little guilty, a little over indulged, and a little sorry for my overused debit card and exhausted bank account. I try to justify my compulsive addiction to buying cosmetics with the excuse that they were cheap and on special, But hey, as my favourite saying goes "you can not go wrong with a bargain" and i'll just keep telling myself that...forever.
I thought I would share with you guys a couple of items that I bought quite recently and these were all bargains that I am simply in love with!
The New Essence 3D eyeshadow in the colour "irresistable vanilla latte".
I purchased these eyeshadows from Priceline for their usual price of $4.95(I think, I know its in the $4 area but not sure how many cents). I am so happy with these eyeshadows. I find that they are so pigmented, so shimmery and such a nice colour! I will be going back for more colours soon, considering that is their everyday price! I am honestly so happy with the Essence brand, their products are so perfect, the packaging is nice, the products themselves are exactly what you want, and the prices are so damn low! You can not go wrong with purchasing and trying out any of the ranges from Essence! I can't wait to try more of their products!
The new Essence 3D eyeshadow in the colour "irresistable purr-ple"
The Essence Stay with me longlasting lipgloss in the colour "07 Kiss Kiss Kiss"
I bought these lip glosses when Priceline had their 40% off all cosmetics and they were originally $3.50. I got them for the ridiculous price of $2.10! Again, I am so happy with these Essence products I just want to High-Five every single person that works at Essence and tell them how thankful and appreciative I am for them making these products and prices! These lip glosses are amazing. The colours are so vibrant and pigmented and I tend to pair them with similar colour lipsticks to just add that perfect amount of shine! I find that after I have my morning hot chocolate that they do tend to wear off, that is their only downfall. The applicator brush hugs my lips perfectly making the application of the product just as smooth as the product itself. I never get any messy leftovers or blobs on the tops of my lips, just a smooth and even application of a almost perfect product! I can only hope that Essence starts to bring out more colours of these amazing little lippies!

The Essence stay with me longlasting lip gloss in "02 My Favourite Milkshake"
The Essence stay with me longlasting lip loss in "01 Me & My IceCream"
Face Of Australia Liquid Eyeliner in the colour "Charcoal".
Kmart had an i irresistible $4.00 off any Face Of Australia Products so i picked this bad boy up for approximately $5.25. I am really into this liner, it has such a thin and precise brush that allows for the perfect line. The colour is nice, i'm use to using plain blacks but the charcoal colour adds a really nice tone and is something different for me which I am really pleased with. It does stay wet for a little while but does dry within a minute or so, just depending on how much you like to put on, but I find that it is a perfect liner for me and it stays for how long i need it too which is another tick in my book!
The Face Of Australia Cream Eyeliner in "black"
This product was also part of my purchase from Kmart when they had $4.00 of FOA products. It came down to $6.00 which I thought was an amazing price for a cream eyeliner. The packaging is so cute, and is a little bit sneaky in a way, that it sought of looks like a liquid eyeliner and the brush is inbuilt into the actual packaging which is quite nifty as I do tend to loose my brushes for my cream eyeliners so easily. The eyeliner is so creamy, smooth to apply and is super convenient because of its easy to access brush.
The Face Of Australia lip quencher in "Pink Champagne"
So I also got this lipstick as part of the $4 off from Kmart, and it ended coming down to $5.45 I bought this as a backup for the one I have now. I must say, this is my all time favourite lipstick. I love the colour! It is such a girly colour, and is sooooooo pigmented. I love the quencher range because they are so moisturising but aren't a sheer colour. They are perfect, the colour is perfect and the look you get from it is perfect. I'm so inlove with this range I advise each and everyone of you to go out and if you're trying it for the first time, get this colour! I've been through one tube all ready, i'm on to my second and bought a back up because I am that obsessed with it!
The Face Of Australia lip quencher in "Peaches & Cream"
I also got this from Kmart for the same price as the one above. I've never used this colour before, but i fell in love with the tester so I had to have it! Its such a beautiful casual colour and I know that this is going to be one of my must haves in my bag for winter!
The Australis Pout Paste in the colour "Love Bites"
Wow, so Australis have honestly done it again. They have hit a homerun with there pout paste's for sure. These little bad boys retail for around $12.95 and I bought it when Priceline were having there 40% of sale so I got this one for $7.03! Australis really knows their lip products, and this is a testament to their amazing products. The Pout Paste is so creamy, the colour is so pigmented and I find these have great staying power! I love this colour as it's so bright and out there and I don't know what else to say. You get so much product for such a small price, it's easy to apply and its one of my favourite products out at the moment. They currently have only three colours available in their Pout Paste line, but hopefully with the winter months ahead they bring out more of a variety of vibrant and beautiful colours.

So I hope that gives you guys a few new items on your list of cosmetics to buy or even just a little insight to a couple of brands that you wouldn't normally try. Anyways, I've had a very long day, longer than normal and I believe that I should get some rest and shut eye. So thank you again for taking the time, and if you guys want me to review any particular products, just comment or send me a message or somehow get in touch with me and let me know and I will!
Love always,
P.S if you want to follow me on instagram, followers welcome!
(p.p.s, comment on one of my pics to have a look at your instagram and i'll follow you back♥ )